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[公告] LightWave[8]正式全面上市的官方公告

  • 站長
  • 台灣 台北市
  • 註冊日期:2004年2月13日21時02分
  • 發表文章數:1145篇
NewTek在前一段的LightWave [8]服務終於做完了,明天開始會正式進行市場經營的動作。這將包括正式的發表會,雜誌與重大活動的曝光…等等。


Dear LightWave Owner:

We want you to be the first to know that we are officially launching LightWave [8] tomorrow, June 30th and want to give you a peek at what we have planned. Many of you have received your LightWave [8] upgrades over the past several weeks, but as of tomorrow the full package is available on the market. For those of you who haven't had the opportunity to use LightWave [8] the upgrade includes:

Enhanced character animation tools
New hard, soft and bone dynamics system
Faster IK and FK tools
New Morph Mixer
Dope sheet and dope track
New modeling tools
New suite of bone editing tools
In other major news on this front, we have also completed the Reference Manual, which will be available in PDF format for registered LightWave [8] owners to download as of tomorrow. The printed edition will also begin shipping tomorrow.

Tomorrow the LightWave [8] launch press release hits the wire and the entire LightWave web site rolls over to LightWave [8]. Those of you who also participate in our Cool Friends of NewTek mailing list will get another email similar to this one. We will also be posting the news on all of the LightWave forums.

Throughout the following months you will be seeing press reviews of LightWave [8] in print and online publications throughout the world. LightWave [8] advertising will be appearing world wide in magazines such as, Computer Graphics World, Cinefex, Keyframe, Post and Game Developer Magazine. NewTek Europe and our international distribution partners throughout Asia: D-Storm, New Magic and Click Grafix have press and advertising plans in the works as well.

Some of you will also be invited to participate in a series of surveys that we are conducting on customer satisfaction, future development and usability studies. To conduct these surveys we take a random sample of email addresses from our registered owner database. We appreciate your participation, it is your feedback that helps us improve our service to you and to continue to assure that LightWave meets your needs well into the future.

At SIGGRAPH in Los Angeles, August 10th through 12th, NewTek will be showcasing LightWave [8] and feature guest presenters from around the world including: producers of blockbuster film effects, Emmy award winning television visual effects artists, independent film makers, video game developers and the latest in Japanese anime. If you can't make it to L.A., NewTek will be streaming our daily presentations live from the show floor. As SIGGRAPH approaches, look for updates on the web site for details and times on the guest presentations.

If you haven't taken the time to upgrade yet, we encourage you to explore everything that LightWave [8] has to offer, by visiting one of our authorized NewTek resellers throughout the world. To find the LightWave resource nearest you visit: www.newtek.com and navigate to the reseller section.

As always, thank you for your continued support of NewTek and LightWave. We hope that LightWave [8] brings great results to your bottom line.

NewTek Marketing
  • 站長
  • 台灣 台北市
  • 註冊日期:2004年2月13日21時02分
  • 發表文章數:1145篇



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