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 LightWave 3D的電影近作

  • 站長
  • 台灣 台北市
  • 註冊日期:2004年2月13日21時02分
  • 發表文章數:1145篇


LightWave in 2 new feature films! Links to trailers...


Hey folks,
Just realized that not many people know how much LightWave is used in feature films...
I've been creating VFX for features for about 5 years now and haven't really shared much about them on the forums, been too busy. But I'm a LW vet starting way back on the Amiga and use it on every project I can. Got about 14-15 features under my belt and realized I need to let other LW people how often its results are appearing on their local big-screens.
Currently I'm working on "Jumper" and "The Ruins" both of which have trailers showing in theaters right now.
I'm often frustrated when directors and producers automatically assume you MUST be using Maya to create the "things I see on your reel."
So I'm here to spread the word that LW is not just for tv work.

For Jumper, I created underwater debris, hundreds of thousands of particles, leaves, twigs, and dead trees to get a series of shots to look less like they were filmed in a swimming pool. Created 3D matte paintings for backgrounds, put a cg character under the ice (filmed from above through the ice) and am doing lots and lots of bubble shots for a "dry for wet" underwater sequence. Also some set extensions and 3D props for Sam Jackson's batman-like tool.

For "The Ruins" there was a particularly difficult challenge that required a squirming untangling vine to be visible beneath a girl's skin in a particularly gruesome sequence. I created the animating vine using "spline control" and used the resulting render as a displacement image sequence on a tracked, moving skin surface. Lighting was difficult because everything was lit very diffusely inside a tent, difficult to get good shadows and highlights, but found a lighting solution that worked and ended up in the trailer. Other shots involve, people getting shot with flying cg arrows, bullet hits, etc...


Jumper trailer (click "trailer" links, not teaser)

The Ruins trailer (click the blue HD button on the left for larger)

So other VFX people working on features, speak up! We need to show that we're out here using LightWave all the time!
And after having to use other packages on some projects (not by choice), I still prefer Lightwave to anything else.
David C. Bryant
  • 站長
  • 台灣 台北市
  • 註冊日期:2004年2月13日21時02分
  • 發表文章數:1145篇

Yes, used LW in Terminator 3, Aviator, Poseidon, Miami Vice, Seabiscuit, Pirates, LXG, VanHelsing, Legend of Zorro, Paycheck, Dungeon Siege, Underdog for previs, Racing Stripes, pretty much everything I've worked on, if I couldn't use it for everything because of a pre-existing pipeline, then I managed to use it for one offs, but yes pretty much everything and its represented in around 80% of my work. The rest is Syntheyes for tracking, Combustion for compositing, some Max, even less Maya.
I'd like to think I'm not that old Cageman, still 39, but the first part you mentioned (too busy) holds true but its not a good enough excuse for not being more involved in the forums. If we don't want LW to ever go away, we have to speak up when its being used on high-end stuff. So I promise to be more vocal and share more often, not just news, but tips,tuts, and stories as well.
Sometimes we're not allowed to talk about our work on a film until after its out, and by then we're on other stuff and forget to post. But luckily I had stuff in these 2 trailers so since you can see them on the web, I figured its ok to talk about 'em. No spoilers, just what you see, so it should be ok.
David C. Bryant

本篇留言於 2008年3月16日19時03分 由 呂 編輯

  • 站長
  • 台灣 台北市
  • 註冊日期:2004年2月13日21時02分
  • 發表文章數:1145篇
Jumper trailer (click "trailer" links, not teaser)

本篇留言於 2008年3月16日19時03分 由 呂 編輯


  • robert
  • 一般會員
  • 台灣 台北縣
  • 註冊日期:2007年8月28日18時08分
  • 發表文章數:113篇
  • 站長
  • 台灣 台北市
  • 註冊日期:2004年2月13日21時02分
  • 發表文章數:1145篇

Get Smart 特務行不行
Hancock 全民超人
Nak the Movies
Jumper 移動世界
The Ruins 活人祭
Iron Man 鋼鐵人
Kitchen Games
All About Steve

Mr. Brooks
Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End 神鬼奇航3:世界的盡頭
300 300壯士
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 哈利波特:鳳凰會的密令
His Dark Materials: The Golden Compass 黃金羅盤
The Kite Runner 追風箏的孩子
The Last Mimzy 神秘寶盒
Ghost Rider 惡靈戰警
Teeth 陰牙
Winx - The Secret of the Lost Kingdom

Poseidon 海神號
She's the Man 足球尤物
The DaVinci Code 達文西密碼
X-Men 3: The Last Stand X戰警3

A Sound of Thunder 雷霆萬鈞
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 巧克力冒險工廠
Elektra 幻影殺手
Fantastic Four 驚奇四超人
Stealth 機戰未來
Into the Blue 深海尋寶
Kung Fu Hustle 功夫(港片)
Mr. and Mrs. Smith 史密斯任務
Sin City 萬惡城市

The Aviator 神鬼玩家
Blade Trinity 刀鋒戰士3
The Day after Tomorrow 明天過後
Exorcist: The Beginning 大法師:吸魂首部曲
Flight of the Phoenix 鳳凰號
Garfield 加菲貓
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 哈利波特:阿茲卡班的逃犯
Hellboy 地獄怪客
I, Robot 機械公敵
The Manchurian Candidate 戰略迷魂
The Passion of the Christ 受難記:最後的激情
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow 明日世界
Spider-Man 2 蜘蛛人2
The Terminal 航站情緣
Torque 極速酷客
Van Helsing 凡赫辛

Agent Cody Banks 小鬼特務
Daredevil 夜魔俠
Duplex 一不住二不休
Final Destination 2 絕命終結站2
Finding Nemo 海底總動員
Freddy vs Jason 佛萊迪大戰傑森
Gothika 鬼影人
The Hot Chick 小姐好辣
Lara Croft Tomb Raider 2: 古墓奇兵2
Cradle of Life 古墓奇兵:風起雲湧
The Last Samurai 末代武士
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 天降奇兵
Legally Blonde 2:Red, White, and Blonde 金法尤物2:白宮粉緊張
Lord of the Rings:The Return of the King 魔戒三部曲:王者再臨
The Matrix Revolutions 駭客任務3:最後戰役
Pirates of the Caribbean:The Curse of the Black Pearl 神鬼奇航:鬼盜船魔咒
S.W.A.T. 反恐特警組
Torque 極速酷客
X2: X-Men United X戰警2

Adaptation 蘭花賊
Black Hawk Down 黑鷹計畫
Blade 2 刀鋒戰士2
Brotherhood of the Wolf 鬼哭狼嚎
Collateral Damage 間接傷害
Die Another Day 007:誰與爭鋒
Half Past Dead 黑獄風雲
Halloween: Resurrection 戰慄On-Line
Hart's War 哈特戰爭
Impostor 強殖入侵
K19 The Widow Maker K19
Panic Room 顫慄空間
The Pianist 戰地琴人
Rollerball 極速風暴
Scooby Doo 史酷比
Spider Man 蜘蛛人
Star Wars Epsiode II:Attack of the Clones 星際大戰二部曲: 複製人全面進攻
The Time Machine 時光機器
We Were Soldiers 勇士們
xXx 限制級戰警

A.I.: Artificial Intelligence A.I:人工智慧
Avalon 適者生存
Behind Enemy Lines 衝出封鎖線
Bones 陰魂咆哮
Driven 生死極速
Enigma 攔截密碼戰
Final Fantasy 太空戰士
Jason X 星際公敵
Jurassic Park III 侏儸紀公園3
Kate and Leopold 穿越時空愛上你
Lara Croft Tomb Raider 古墓奇兵
Monsters, Inc. 怪獸電力公司
Scary Movie 2 驚聲尖笑2
Shipping News 真情快遞
Spy Kids 小鬼大間諜
The One 救世主
The Others 神鬼第六感
3000 Miles to Graceland 驚天駭地

The Cell 入侵腦細胞
Charlie's Angels 霹靂嬌娃
Final Destination 絕命終結站
Gladiator 神鬼戰士
How the Grinch Stole Christmas 鬼靈精
Little Nicky 魔鬼接班人
Mission to Mars 火星任務
Red Planet 全面失控
Rules of Engagement 火線衝突
Scary Movie 驚聲尖笑
X-Men X戰警

The Astronaut's Wife 太空異種
Deep Blue Sea 水深火熱
Deep End of the Ocean 失蹤時刻
Dogma 怒犯天條
Toy Story 2 玩具總動員2
The World Is Not Enough 007:縱橫天下

Armageddon 世界末日
The Avengers 復仇者
Blade 刀鋒戰士
Deep Impact 慧星撞地球
Lost in Space LIS太空號
Phantoms 地心駭客
Shakespeare in Love 莎翁情史
The Siege 緊急動員

Conspiracy Theory 絕命大反擊
Contact 接觸未來
Devil's Advocate 魔鬼代言人
The Fifth Element 第五元素
Flubber 飛天法寶
Free Willy 3: The Rescue 威鯨闖天關3
The Jackal 絕對目標:豺狼末日
Men in Black MIB星際戰警
Red Corner 紅色角落
Spawn 閃靈悍將
Titanic 鐵達尼號
Wishmaster 惡魔咆哮

Courage Under Fire 火線勇氣
Goldeneye 007:黃金眼
Nixon 白宮風暴
Waterworld 水世界
Jurassic Park 侏儸紀公園

本篇留言於 2008年7月28日13時07分 由 呂 編輯

  • kaiquan5478
  • 一般會員
  • 台灣 台北縣
  • 註冊日期:2008年8月12日12時08分
  • 發表文章數:11篇
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